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Parsing Blumira email notifications in ConnectWise PSA


As an MSP with multiple customers in Blumira, you may want to associate the Blumira email notifications with the correct customer in your professional services automation (PSA) ticketing queue. You can leverage the customer name provided in the email subject line to parse and route email notifications. This article explains how ConnectWise PSA (formerly Manage) allows some email parsing to create tickets in the PSA tool based on attributes in the subject line.

Additional options for ticketing

Blumira can send new findings to ConnectWise PSA via API integration, creating tickets on your preferred service board. To integrate with ConnectWise, complete the procedures in Integrating with ConnectWise PSA.

Before you begin

Ensure your customer sub-accounts' names in Blumira match one of the following values in ConnectWise Manage and follow the same naming conventions used in your PSA:

  • Company Name, which is also referenced as “Company” in ConnectWise Manage and is typically the properly formatted name of the customer’s company.
  • Company ID, which is sometimes known in ConnectWise Manage as “PSA ID” and should not have spaces in it. 

To update an organization name in Blumira:

  1. Navigate to MSP Portal > Accounts.

  2. In the Accounts table, click the row of the account you want to edit.

  3. In the options menu that appears, click Account Settings.

  4. In the Account name box, type the name of the customer organization.

  5. Click Save changes.

Important: Major name changes, such as when re-branding, require additional manual updates in our systems. When making major name changes in the app, please also inform us in a message by either sending an email to partners@blumira.com or using the Support button below. 

Adding an email parsing rule in ConnectWise PSA

The procedure provided below is limited to parsing only email subject lines. The subject line of email notifications follows these conventions:

System | Sensor "name" status @ Company_Name

System | Cloud Connector "name" status @ Company_Name

Finding_Type | Finding_Priority | Finding_Name @ Company_Name

These are essentially breaking the information into a {problem} @ {company} statement, which makes it possible to parse the statements using rules in ConnectWise.

To add a parser in ConnectWise Manage, do the following:

  1. Navigate to System > Setup Tables.
  2. Search the table for Email Connector.
    Note: If there is more than one Email Connector, select the one used to receive your emailed Blumira notifications.
  3. Click + at the bottom of the Parsing Rules page.
  4. In the Email Subject Line Parsing Rule field, type {problem} @ {company}.
    Note: When using the {company} variable in the parser, ConnectWise will attempt to match against both Company Name and Company ID. If you run into parsing errors, ensure that you do not have two companies with a matching Company Name and Company ID.
  5. (Optional) Modify the priority parsing details based on how your service board priorities are configured by adding Service Priority levels to the parsing rule configured above as desired. Example:
  6. Click Save at the top of the page.

Testing the parser 

You can simply send an email to the correct address using the subject format: Finding_Type | Finding_Priority | Finding_Name @ Company_Name. Edit the “Customer_Name” to match one of your existing customer’s names.